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Can I Have Coffee Before LASIK? banner

Can I Have Coffee Before LASIK?

By admin September 25, 2019

Before and after your LASIK procedure it is advised that you avoid caffeinated drinks, including coffee.  Caffeine can cause your eyes to feel dry, which can make it more difficult for you to fully relax during and after the procedure.  

Prior to your surgery, Our Doctors recommend that you avoid caffeine for a few hours. It is a good idea to consume several glasses of water or other non-alcoholic, caffeine-free fluids per day as you prepare for LASIK, beginning several days before the procedure. Taking an omega-3 supplement and using lubricating eye drops may also be recommended a few days prior to surgery and for up to three months post-surgery.

To keep your eyes feeling comfortable and to help prevent dry eyes after the procedure consider the following tips:

  • Inform Our Doctors in advance of any dry eye problems you may have, including allergy-related dryness
  • Take omega-3 fatty acids to promote healthy tear film
  • Drink plenty of water each day
  • Avoid alcohol, caffeine and other substances that may cause dehydration
  • Follow all instructions given to you for before and after the surgery

For many people, a cup of coffee in the morning is a must-have. However, when it comes to LASIK, it is a good idea to minimize your coffee and caffeine consumption to ensure a comfortable and relaxing procedure. For more information about LASIK surgery in Pembroke Pines, Weston, Hollywood or Coral Springs, contact Correct Vision Laser Institute at 954-442-1133 or website to schedule a consultation with Our Doctors. 

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