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Effective Healing Tips for LASIK Recovery

By admin July 17, 2015

womens eye during lasik recoveryLASIK eye surgery is a procedure that repairs a person’s eyesight, eliminating the need for corrective lenses or contacts. The  LASIK recovery time is relatively fast after the procedure, but there are many things a patient can do to further speed up the process. Below are some effective tips to help you heal and recover after your LASIK procedure.

Make Regular Doctor Visits

Following the recovery plan laid out by your doctor is essential for a faster healing process. Your doctor will be able to match the best practices with your case and create the best plan for your recovery.

Use the Prescribed Medication

Taking the medicine prescribed by your doctor can contribute to the recovery process by preventing infection and inflammation. Make sure to follow the directions, given by your doctor, for the recommended time.

Rest Up

Rest is one of the most important things a patient can do to speed up the recovery process immediately after LASIK. The resting state keeps the eyes lubricated, minimizes rubbing against corneal incisions and avoids strain caused by watching TV or reading. After the procedure, we recommend that you get a minimum of 8 hours of sleep.

Refrain from Touching Your Eyes

Do not touch your eyes after LASIK. For the best recovery possible, your eyes should be free of irritants and other debris. This will allow them to heal without interference.

Avoid Playing Sports

Activities, such as sports or water sports, should be avoided up to one month after the surgery. Since eyes are generally sensitive to water and debris, along with not being fully adjusted to your new vision and depth perception, it’s best to avoid scenarios where eyes can be strained, bumped, or irritated.

Protect Your Eyes

After surgery, your eyes will be very sensitive to irritants and bright light. For up to two weeks after surgery, we recommend that you wear eye protection to avoid any damage from irritants and the temptation to rub or scratch your eyes. For light sensitivity, wear dark glasses to shield your eyes from damaging UV rays, so the cornea can heal.

Avoid Facial Applications

In order to help further along the healing the process, avoid any applications of cream, lotion or make-up to the face or eye area. Small particles can get into the eye and cause irritation that can ultimately lead to infection or greater complications.

CorrectVision Laser Institute is one of Florida’s most advanced vision correction practices with extensive experience in LASIK. Our goal is to open your eyes to the world of great vision by offering unparalleled expertise and the most advanced technology available. Contact us today for a consultation with one of our South Florida eye specialists, located in Hollywood, Weston and Pembroke Pines!

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